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JUST like IT !!

Updated: Dec 24, 2018

Its been over 10 years since YouTube and other video sharing portals were launched. Even today enthusiastic video bloggers always encourage their viewers to share,like,comment on their video and subscribe to the channel.

What happens if video bloggers stop saying that?

Users are well used to liking,sharing,commenting if they find the the digital content good and engaging. The human emotions of addiction,fear of loss,urge to tell are strong enough to make the user take those actions. These characteristics are the primary reasons why videos go viral. The video portals provide unpaid and paid tools to enhance and market the videos. The marketing tools are primarily keyword and tag based because users need not to be told "to type keywords to search". Moreover, Google does not educate its users to type keywords on Google and hit search.


Does the concept of 'If No call for action, then no action' apply here? In the late 90's era eCommerce platforms used aggressive techniques to make users checkout. That has changed to being more informative rather than interruptive.

Here’s are other examples of users taking action with no instructions:

  1. Requesting an Uber or Lyft ride

  2. Writing product reviews

  3. Downloading an app

  4. Signing up new accounts

  5. Entering a book's ISBN number

For more information

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