
Anup Mehrotra
VP - Netsmartz
"It was a pleasure to work with Sameer to launch a mobile application for a startup. His concepts and ideas to improve the process and ways to monetize the app were great. In addition, Sameer is a great team player and would look forward to doing more projects with him."

Problem Definition
An entrepreneur feels that what he/she is doing is right in every sense. In reality seeing sales contracts does not always mean the business is in the right direction. The business might have identified a problem but the question is, Will the business solution add value to the user's experience? How efficient it is to onboard users?
Every entrepreneur starts with a thought of an idea which when well differentiated becomes a product and then a company. We begin at the ideation level and study the entrepreneurs market, competition and product's value positioning. Lastly we build a time and cost effective process that connects the product with its markets and acquires customers.

Market Research
Our team conducts in depth research about the identified problem. We study the business markets, business processes, current product strategy, interview target customers. In addition, we also conduct a detail competitive research to understand the firm's market position and build a differentiation strategy to enhance customer acquisition.
We will administer and manage your marketing campaigns. Our marketing know how will get your business a better marketing reach.

After having done the required research, the next step is to conduct detail analysis of the data gathered. This stage helps in understanding the business requirements to achieve the project's goal. Survey results, secondary data, industry trends, customer feedback are analyzed with various cloud based analytical tools.
Teynali believes that the local businesses should have a web presence to maintain a balance in the business Eco systems. We approach and consult local businesses to build front/back end web application. These web apps allow the business to generate leads and also help them manage back end operations and order fulfillment. All of this with taps on a smart screen.

The business requirements is the beginning of the end of product launch.In this stage our team also introduces process automation and project management tools to deliver the project . The business will be in constant loop of the project's progress and will get regular updates of any changes via Version Control System (VCS) tools.
Internet of Things (IoT) or Machine to Machine (M2M) technology is the new thing. IoT is extensively used in the verticals of research,operations,consumer electronics, healthcare. Data can be tracked from hardware devices and then stored on cloud platform for analysis. We understand the required work flows, database architecture, business logic to build an efficient mobile application.

Product Launch
Content Plan
The launch is a combined team effort of all business functions working in the direction of the project's goal. We will send out reports of the final product to all functional leads along with the executive team. The report is a detail expatiation of every aspect of the product plan to the respective functional team
SEO and SEM are the pillars of online marketing and need a content strategy to direct the CPC and CPA campaigns. Our team does an in depth research to build a targeted keyword list for our clients. The next step is to build an informative content around the keyword list. Finally, push the target content via affiliates, social media and marketing partners.